Patch: Many composite/blend modes mostly compatible to Adobe Photoshop (c)

Silvio Heinrich plassy at
Sun Feb 6 23:37:27 CET 2011

On 02/06/2011 10:56 PM, Sven Langkamp wrote:
> What compiler version do you use?
> gcc 4.4.3
>     And can you please try to add this include to the top of the
>     libs/pigment/compositeops/KoCompositeOps.h header:
>     #include "KoColorSpaceMaths.h"
>     and compile again.
> Doesn't work.
Argg.. I hate when something like this happens :-/.
I think we have to back-trace this then.
It would be nice if you could erase the entire content of 
libs/pigment/compositeops/KoCompositeOps.h and try
this two versions instead:


#include "KoColorSpace.h"
#include "KoColorSpaceTraits.h"
#include "KoCompositeOp.h"
#include "compositeops/KoCompositeOpFunctions.h"
#include "compositeops/KoCompositeOpGeneric.h"

template<class Traits>
void addStandardCompositeOps(KoColorSpace* cs)
     cs->addCompositeOp(new KoCompositeOpGenericSC<Traits, 
&cfVividLight>(cs, COMPOSITE_VIVID_LIGHT, i18n("Vivid Light"), 
KoCompositeOp::categoryLight(), true));




#include "KoColorSpace.h"
#include "KoColorSpaceTraits.h"
#include "KoCompositeOp.h"
#include "compositeops/KoCompositeOpFunctions.h"
#include "compositeops/KoCompositeOpGeneric.h"

template<class Traits>
void addStandardCompositeOps(KoColorSpace* cs)
     typedef typename Traits::channels_type Arg;
     cs->addCompositeOp(new KoCompositeOpGenericSC< Traits, 
&cfVividLight<Arg> >(cs, COMPOSITE_VIVID_LIGHT, i18n("Vivid Light"), 
KoCompositeOp::categoryLight(), true));


If you get some compiling errors instead of linking errors I made some 
mistake :D but I hope it will compile.
So, please try the two versions an tell me what errors you get :D
I have gcc 4.4.5 but I can just hardly believe that 4.4.3 isn't able to 
compile this :/

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