Behavior on single click with selection tools (Artist input needed)

Geoffry Song goffrie at
Thu Dec 29 15:50:15 UTC 2011

On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 10:09 AM, silvio grosso <grossosilvio at>wrote:

>  Hi Sven,
> > What do you think?
> In order to being consistent  with Photoshop (which is the standard for
> *professionals*) it would be really useful to have the same options for
> Krita as well.
> Since most tutorials on the web (and books) are done with Photshop this
> would allow "new users" (which are very likely to be "Windows users")  to
> start better with Krita.
> Since Krita 2.4 beta 5 works on Windows this is even more important :-)
> In essence, as with Photoshop:
> - click on the canvas to "draw" your selection;
> - click a second time on your canvas to delete your previous selection;
> - on top of this, when keeping pressed the left button of your mouse
> (*inside* your selection) you should be able to move this very selection
> over the canvas
> As suggested by Philippe (for Photoshop):
> - Holding SHIFT should allow you to add something to  your selection;
> - Holding ALT should allow you to delete something from your selection
> (with Gimp you should instead press Ctr to get this second option).

For what it's worth, using ALT is probably not a great idea because by
default (at least in GNOME/KDE) alt-drag moves the window.

> From a Krita  "developer point" of view I don't know whether these are
> good ideas or not :-)
> Silvio Grosso
> --- *Gio 29/12/11, Sven Langkamp <sven.langkamp at>* ha scritto:
> Da: Sven Langkamp <sven.langkamp at>
> Oggetto: Behavior on single click with selection tools (Artist input
> needed)
> A: "Krayon (KImageShop)" <kimageshop at>
> Data: Giovedì 29 dicembre 2011, 13:54
> Hi,
> I'm currently wondering how to fix this bug:
> and would like to get some
> suggestions what to do about it.
> The problem there is the following: When you have a rectangle or ellipse
> tool activated and only do a single click, Krita detects that and does
> nothing. The bug reports says that it should deselect everything in that
> case like other applications do. As pointed out in the bug report we are
> not sure if that would be good or not.
> What do you think?
> Sven
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