Branch: krita-colorchannels-silvioheinrich

Silvio Heinrich plassy at
Wed Apr 13 18:33:15 CEST 2011

On 04/12/2011 10:20 PM, Timothée Giet wrote:
> PS: I just noticed toggling the alpha switch on the grayscale layer 
> produce the wrong color bug (a black area on the grayscale layer, 
> appear Red with alpha channel enabled, Yellow with disabled).
> So I think the loading issue comes from this new switch.
> 2011/4/12 Timothée Giet <animtim at <mailto:animtim at>>
>     Ok after more test here is the issue, well in fact there are two:
>     -when loading a RGB (8 or 16bit) file with some layers in
>     grayscale colorspace mode, those are wrongly displayed (black is
>     red, and white is blue)
>     I can display it back correctly by selecting them one by one and
>     do Layer->Convert Layer Type and reselect the grayscale mode I
>     want (or even faster: right click on the layer, open properties,
>     then click
>     ok on it, it reloads the layer correctly). I've tried to create a
>     new file to reproduce it, the bug is here when trying to load it
>     too (so it's not a old file retro compatibility issue but more a
>     file loading issue)
>     -Second issue, I don't think it's related to your patch but that's
>     the reason why I was confused at first: the Layer docker keeps
>     displaying the infos (blend mode and transparency values.. ) from
>     the previously selected layer instead of the current one.
Well... ok... I've created a new brach locally and reset this branch to 
the commit right before I merged krita-colorchannels and 
it was -> f1032ab6bc1a0f3560028655cfac2dba0cfc679d Boudewijn Rempt 
<boud at>  2011-04-12 15:11:58
And this color bug is there, too. So It seems that this has nothing to 
do with the krita-colorchannels branch.
I'm sorry but I have no guess what causes this behavior :(
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