meeting notes

Silvio Heinrich plassy at
Thu Apr 7 14:27:39 CEST 2011

On 04/06/2011 10:01 PM, Silvio Grosso wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Lukas wrote:
>> Silvio Heinrich has added the mixing brush.
>> What can Pentalis work on now?
> Since both Pentalis and me are going to attend the upcoming sprint in
> Amsterdam we can discuss about this all together ;-)
Well my Color Smudge Brush is just a mere Smudge Brush that throws a bit 
color into the smudge process...
I thought you guys wanted to create something that replicates real brush 
and fluid physics.
A few years ago i ran across some papers a few guys created to solve the 
navier-stroke equations for fluids.
I have the papers somewhere... it should be easy to implement. It's 
fast, stable (the physical simulation should never "explode") and
it gives believable results. You could alter the viscosity while 
painting to let the color "dry" ... there is pretty much cool stuff 
possible with this

Ah i found it :D
(found it here

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