Krita stalls.

John Culleton john at
Mon Jul 12 22:14:28 CEST 2010

On Monday 12 July 2010 13:40:20 at 
> On Monday, July 12, 2010 19:34:07 John Culleton wrote:
> > As just a test case I loaded a jpg of a photo. I applied 
> > oilpaint  filter. The job took a long time to get to the 
> > screen. I hit the apply button on that screen and the job 
> > stalled.   Finally it delivered an image of just the top of 
> > photo. Is this normal? Do I need to set a larger brush 
> >
> > Krita 2.0.2
> Krita 2.0.2 is too old. Please try some newer version. Like 
trunk or 2.2.x
> We did not spent time on optimizing the filters yet.
> There is plan for optimizing them with new API for version 

Unfortunately Krita is not available by itself. One has to 
update the entire KDE package. This opens up the 
possibility of undesired side effects. And it is a lot of work. 

If there is a way to update Krita by itself then I would be 
happy to do that. Otherwise I will wait for the next major 
upgrade of my OS (Slackware) to get an update that won't 
screw other things up.

You mention trunk. That usually means a development 
version. I have some other programs that I update regularly, 
like Scribus, using svn commands embedded in a script. If 
that is available for Krita I would like to hear about the 
John Culleton
Wexford Press
"Create Book Covers with Scribus"
Printable E-book 38 pages $5.95

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