RGB 16 bit as default when starting Krita

Dmitry Kazakov dimula73 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 20 16:16:56 CET 2010

I'm against both. Against as default.

1) I don't know how about painting, but in photography 16bit makes
absolutely nothing. Well, yes, you can invent a couple of testcases with
"just-converted-from-raw" files, but the result will be extremely subtle. It
surely does not worth doubled memory/cpu consumption.
There are HDR's but:
  a) they are not default choice for Krita
  b) after temporary merge in 16bit done, nevertheless they should be
converted to 8bit

2) What are you speaking about, guys!? That is a completely theoretical
colorspace! It has nothing common with real life! There is hardly present a
monitor covering AdobeRGB, not speaking about this stuff.
Yes, this is really funny to scale a dalai lama picture, but it'll create
an enormous amount of problems to our users working with real-world images.

I'm not even speak about the problems our users face, when they decide to
print their masterpiece in the lab..

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Cyrille Berger <cberger at cberger.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> On IRC, I was suggesting that Krita start to using RGB 16bits as a default
> when creating images. I don't think there is a good reason to create 8bits
> image files nowdays. Of course, when you open an exisiting 8bits image,
> krita
> would still open it as 8bits. Despite most display being limited to 6-8bits
> display, when drawing, 16bits reduce most of the errors due to limited
> 8bits
> range.
> This also raise the discussion of wether to use sRGB (2.2 gamma) or scRGB
> (linear in light) profile.
> In favor of sRGB:
> * when saving to PNG or JPEG, krita embedd the color profile, but, most
> In favor of scRGB:
> * Fix a lot of gamma imperfection, for instance like scaling:
> http://4p8.com/eric.brasseur/gamma.html
> An alternative could be to use scRGB in Krita, and then to add a "convert
> to
> sRGB" option in png, jpeg and tiff that would be checked by default.
> --
> Cyrille Berger
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Dmitry Kazakov
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