RGB 16 bit as default when starting Krita

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Wed Jan 20 14:56:03 CET 2010


On IRC, I was suggesting that Krita start to using RGB 16bits as a default 
when creating images. I don't think there is a good reason to create 8bits 
image files nowdays. Of course, when you open an exisiting 8bits image, krita 
would still open it as 8bits. Despite most display being limited to 6-8bits 
display, when drawing, 16bits reduce most of the errors due to limited 8bits 

This also raise the discussion of wether to use sRGB (2.2 gamma) or scRGB 
(linear in light) profile.

In favor of sRGB:
* when saving to PNG or JPEG, krita embedd the color profile, but, most 

In favor of scRGB:
* Fix a lot of gamma imperfection, for instance like scaling: 

An alternative could be to use scRGB in Krita, and then to add a "convert to 
sRGB" option in png, jpeg and tiff that would be checked by default.
Cyrille Berger

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