
Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Mon Feb 1 10:55:15 CET 2010


Since the tracker has a significant cost in term of peformance, by default (in 
non release modes), it tracks the smart pointer use but without getting 
backtrace information, so you will see the leak when exiting krita but without 
the usefull information to know where it happens. If you are interested in 
tracking the leak, you should go to kis_memory_leak_tracker.cpp, and uncomment 
"#define HAVE_BACKTRACE_SUPPORT", then compile kritaimage, and run krita again. 
And if you are just interested in benchmarking/profiling krita, it can be worth 
to disable the tracking all together by commenting "#define 

Cyrille Berger

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