what bugs ania in krita

nospam at xibo.at nospam at xibo.at
Sat Aug 28 18:56:40 CEST 2010

i've asked my sister today to test krita a little bit. she is doing 3d
art, mostly with blender. we are both in tirol and don't have a tablet, so
no brushes tested. it was just a little bit of ui testing, probably there
will be more later, when i'm back in vienna.

she also told me, that if the first two points in the following list will
be fixed, she will use krita regularly instead of gimp ;), but i don't
know, if we use the middle button already, or if it is reserved for


zoom should be put on mouse wheel, not Ctrl+mouse wheel.

pan on middle mouse

"paint with brushes" icon should look like a brush, not like some kind of

Filter > Adjust > Levels: separate editing of R, G, B would be useful

Filter > Adjust > Invert: unnecessary options window shows up (invert has
no options).
same for Desaturate (and any other one-click function)

Apply looks different than Preview
     to recreate eg. in Filter > Adjust > Color adjustment curves:
     change the color by editing the curve, then press "Apply and close".  
actual color change is different than the preview was (turns out green
instead of read for example)

Preview on/off should be available for all filters. (currently it's not
available for example for HSV adjustment, but is available for color

crop: enter (additionally to Crop button) for apply
filters: enter for apply and close

crop border should be movable not only in the middle (the yellow square
could be in the middle of the view, or on whole length).
     Currently when you zoom in for example to 2/3 of the edge, there's no
yellow square and you can't move the crop border.

filter > adjustment->level: slow on big images (4kx4k) and doesn't show
progress, while computing.

reset button for filters necessary (the settings are saved between krita
sessions (editor's note))


she uses the filter > adjust > levels dialogue very often, so she has
prepared a screenshot of corel photo paint for the most important parts of
the dialog, that are missing in krita.


problem in krita is, that you don't see, what is cut off exactly and
"where the result starts and ends". an vertical lines would help already.


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