Krita and MyPaint: differences between their goals at
Mon Apr 12 14:45:41 CEST 2010

> Yes but there are many overlaps, and brush engine that have comparable
> features. For instance, I don't see why the "soft brush" is a seperate
> paintop instead of being one of the possible brush used by the "brush"
> engine. I think we lack a clear definition of what should be an engine,
> and what should be a brush.

Yes, there are overlaps. E.g. softbrush is paintop just because of me.
I wanted to have freedom to experiment with different algorithms for computing 
the brush mask procedurally. E.g. there was gaussian active, now it is curve.
Softbrush also support jittering of the painting. I added also preliminary 
support for HSV dynamics. Integration to the dialog would just raise the 
complexity of the pixel brush and would limit.

I don't have any problem to integrate it later with "brush" engine. 
The integration is not easy from the UI point of view. E.g. autobrush is on 
one widget, Softbrush has tree tabs (Brush Tip + Softness with two tabs).

What are the other paintops with "many overlaps"?

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