Patch to fix selection test and mask extent

Cyrille Berger cberger at
Fri Apr 9 13:04:56 CEST 2010

On Wednesday 24 March 2010, Dmitry Kazakov wrote:
> Hmm.. I've added these functions just recently:
> The logic was the following:
> extent() - is the area where the node has an influence on the result image.
> In other words, it is an area, where we should update when the layer
> changes it's visibility.
> KisMask::extent() - works right this way. It tells the area, where
> selection is. And this is right for most of the masks, except of the
> transparency mask. A transparency mask changes the entire image, except of
> the selection. It means that we should update everywhere, except of the
> selection. And if we don't have parent, we can't do anything.

Btw, shouldn't that be:

QRect KisTransparencyMask::extent() const
    return parent() ? parent()->extent().intersect(selection().extent()) : 

QRect KisTransparencyMask::exactBounds() const
    return parent() ? parent()-
>exactBounds().intersect(selection().exactBounds()) : QRect();

(which would be true for all masks, no ?)

Cyrille Berger

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