A first part of the layers/masks patch

Dmitry Kazakov dimula73 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 26 19:19:52 CEST 2009

On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 10:14 AM, Cyrille Berger <cberger at cberger.net>wrote:

> On Saturday 26 September 2009, Dmitry Kazakov wrote:
> > > for a,b,c) it doesn't work perfectly, but it's not that broken.
> >
> > But still not usable =(
> Well now, I have fix all the issue with the alpha colorspace (I have added
> alpha darken). All it remains to do is to make mask support the indirect
> painting interface.

Well, no. You've not fixed that. It's just a workaround.

1) Create any mask (e.g. transparency mask)
2) Paint something on a mask to get transparency

Let's imagine after these steps you decide to make some rect visible again,
what are you going to do? In a good editor you just select this rect with
selection and fill it with a white color (or any semi-transparent one(!)).
You CAN'T do the same with krita, as far as i can see. Yes, you can use
pixel eraser tool (that is not so obvious, btw), but what if your rect is
1024x1024 size? Are you gonna fill it with a small brush?

That's why i repeat again, we must use grayscale-like system for
transparency masks. Current discreet selection system is a dirty hack.

> It doesn't use the gray color, but this is by design, it means you have to
> use
> the opacity setting (this is something we have been debating in krita for
> years, wether opacity belongs in the tool or in the color selector).
> Gradient work if you choose a gradient with transparency, in a future
> release,
> it could be worth investigating adding an option to the gradient tool for
> working on the transparent channel instead of colors (I think it might have
> a
> broader use).

Do not create additional abstraction for a user. He knows what the color is,
this is RGB values. The user DOES NOT know anything about our INTERNAL
representation of the color as rgbA. RGB != RGBA. He knows (or should know)
_nothing_ about alpha channel of the brush or of the layer. It's editor's
job to think about alpha, not user's one!

Sorry for brute words. I don't know how to explain it. I repeat it again and
We have a weird selections system and you don't even want to make it better.

Dmitry Kazakov
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