Whither Krita?

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Wed Sep 16 14:43:41 CEST 2009

On Wednesday 16 September 2009, enki wrote:
> Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> > There are some very interesting things about mypaints brush engine. One
> > of them is that MyPaint used to be really stroke based, i.e., it would
> > store strokes, and strokes were intended to be editable at a later stage.
> > It's still possible to change the brush parameters and see the last
> > stroke change accordingly. I have got a version of the mypaint brush
> > engine integrated in a krita paintop, but never got it finished enough to
> > allow painting. The other thing about mypaints brush engine is that it
> > works in 15 bit pre-multiplied rgb.
> What makes MyPaint powerful is that all brush options are combined in
> one paintops. So for example, you can create a smudge + airbrush +
> jittering+ pixel pencil preset.
> Most of mypaint's features are available
> in Krita, but scattered between different paintops. I think that Brush
> options should be shared more between paintops. Sensors are a step in
> the good direction, but more paintops need to use them.
That's the goal :)

The "smudge + airbrush" was the idea behind the color source of the "dynamic 
brush", the color source is not available in 2.1, but I hope to make it back 
in 2.2 (at least for the brush op).

> >> Keyboard shortcuts is something I miss in Krita a lot. I consider it a
> >> big bug when I can't configure shortcuts for Tool Docker. I investigated
> >> the issue a little, but not much...
> >
> > Yeah, that's one of those things that broke during our integration with
> > KOffice. It worked quite well in 1.6, but is broken right now. And
> > investigating the fix takes so much time.
> Here shortcut seems to works well, but the tools I need are not in the
> list.

Yes that's a problem, we can't associate Q/KAction to tools since then that 
means you can't type a text in a text shape (if you have single letters 
associated to tool). So we would need a way to insert the tools in the 
shortcuts editor (this probably needs change in KShortcutsDialog).

Cyrille Berger
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