Whither Krita?

Thomas Zander zander at kde.org
Wed Sep 16 11:42:24 CEST 2009

On Wednesday 16. September 2009 11.26.16 Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> > If krita was stand alone they would tell you I want a port to "Gtk" (I
> > ofteen see a lot of those coming to Scribus irc channel with such a
> > request). They will always find a reason.
> I'm not convinced: sure there will be people telling us "port to Gtk"
> (funny how nobody tells Maxy to do that with MyPaint), but I think we
> will have a wider appeal.

Maybe you and Cyrille are talking about slightly different groups of users.
I think you'll agree with Cyrille that there are users that just have any 
excuse to choose their favorite app instead of krita.
The users you are talking about will likely benefit from the kAtelier 
concept, right?
If they don't know krita is part of an office suite, or build on top of Qt 
etc. They you would agree they don't think its an issue, would you?

Notice that the stats on koffice show that the krita page is by far the most 
viewed page and that search terms show that people are coming in based on 
cool krita-only technologies. This leads me to believe that there is a big 
3rd group of people that doesn't care much if krita is part of koffice or not.

Maybe time to go to some art sites and request a poll on krita. kde-look is 
an easy start.
Thomas Zander
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