Krita 2.1 features review at
Sun Oct 25 13:36:48 CET 2009


I would like to write you my review of features we planned for 2.1 [1] and use 
this as quick brainstorm if you are interested :)

* Dyna tool
This tool allows you to use any paintop to paint with pressure simulated from 
the speed of the mouse. It can be useful for people who wants to create 
something nice and they do not have tablet. So far the tool simulate the 
pressure. The tool works with any input device. It's GUI and the state of the 
tool is quite experimental.

Developer info: KisPaintop see the speed as KisPaintInformation::pressure().
I would like to add GUI to select what will be simulated from speed. Now it is 
pressure, maybe tilt or rotation can be interesting to simulate :)

* Spray brush
This paintop wants to be perfect airbrush. So far it is very basic. It 
splatters the particles inside the brush circle according two distributions 
(uniform, gauss). Few features has been polished to work with presets loading. 
E.g. some proportional sizes are useful when you have preset ready you can 
quickly scale it. Enkithan input was very helpful. This paintop will support 
shared color dialog [3]

Developer info: Still a lot work for me especially in the area of distributing 
the particles so that nice effects similar to Photoshop Airbrush can be done.

* Deform brush
Paintop that works similar to the iWrap plug-in in GIMP. But it is tool, not 
filter in Krita. It allows you to deform photos of your friends :) And it has 
color deformation -- you can use that for your paints to get something like 
watercolor effect?? 

Developer info: There is some bug regarding gamma corrections of colors. I 
don't know if I can fix that :/ I plan to add some warping algorithms to the 
deform brush. So far it is just inverse mapping of various transformations and 
I'm not sure if that is the same as warping.

* 3D Brush and Infinite canvas
Google Summer Of Code project. 3D brush is useful for people who own tablet 
that is lying in front of them and they can look at the monitor to see the 3D 
visualization of their pen. We have some funny models also like finger for 
smudge in Krita. Infinite canvas allows you to start the stroke outside of the 
canvas, and you can find your strokes out of the canvas in the layer when you 
use the move tool.

Developer info: Shadows needs to be added to have better feel of the angles in 
the 3D space. Zooming to the corner of the canvas and panning would be cool. 
It is quite complicated -- I remember Cyrille saying that we should ask Jaham 
for help with this. Especially because Karbon has different zooming then rest 
of the KOffice or something like that.

I would like to have a page with Krita features for 2.1, something like this 
would be cool [2]. Picture and short description. Would be possible to list 
all the new features from 2.0 to 2.1? I would help with page, I need the list 
of features and some people who will help with screenshots?

boud - features, help me with english :)
enki, m4v - screenshots
me - texts and html, screenshots

What about your 2.1 features? Short description and the state of them?



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