Krita useable for Blender movies at
Fri Oct 23 14:54:40 CEST 2009

> > 4) openGL is good, but i think we could use processor's capabilities like
> > SSE and friends first.
> I'm vacillating on this... sse etc. are nice, but most distributors do not
> enable them by default, except for the 64 bits systems. OpenGL + glsl has
> the potential to give much more performance, but I haven't got a system
>  where I can use it. And 

Yep, for Blender people, they can always enable these features. And for 
anybody seriously interested in Krita is not a problem to get optimized 
version I think.

>  if we can move more and more work to opengtl, we
>  can profit from the automatic optimization it gives us.

How the OpenGTL can give us optimizations? Cyrille?

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