A couple of problems using Krita

David wizzardx at gmail.com
Tue Jun 9 12:28:50 CEST 2009

On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 12:16 PM, Boudewijn Rempt<boud at valdyas.org> wrote:
> On Tue, 9 Jun 2009, David wrote:
>> Hi there.
>> Sorry if this is the wrong list, I couldn't find a krita users mailinglist.
> No, this is perfectly fine!

Ah, thanks. I was worried because it is listed as a developers page:


"krita - for Krita developers "

If it's okay for users to ask questions here too, maybe you can ask
for the description to be changed?

> This is 1.6, I guess? Because 2.0 is even more annying :-(. There, the
> scroll wheel scrolls the page, because that's default for all of KOffice.
> This is definitely something we will want to address, though. But that
> won't help you _now_, I'm afraid.

I'm using the latest version in Debian Sid. Help/About says "Krita
1.6.3 (Using KDE 3.5.10)", which looks a bit strange because I'm using
KDE 4.2 (also Debian Sid).

Is it possible that this (zooming, and towards the mouse pointer)
could be added as an option somewhere in Krita's settings, so that
mouse scroll zooms instead of scrolling up and down,?

> This is more difficult, since in Krita (unlike in Gimp), layers are
> all of an infinite size, which means that each layer fills the whole
> image size (and beyond). So you can start painting anywhere on a layer,
> move the layer and continue painting on a newly exposed area.  But that
> also makes it hard to do "click-through" to transparent areas.  I had
> the same problem when I was doing a collage of KOffice screenshots,
> I was always moving the wrong layer because I thought I could just click
> on it.
> If might be implementable in the move tool, though. I'll think on that.

One way to do it (which I think Gimp does), is when you use the Move
tool, is find the highest non-transparent pixel in the layers, and
then select that (and then start moving).


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