Dyna brush as tool?

LukasT.dev@gmail.com lukast.dev at gmail.com
Sun Feb 1 23:06:40 CET 2009

> As discussed before on irc, yes, I think it needs to be a tool, yes -- but
> then the next question would be: can it work with existing paintops? Like,
> doing dynabrush with the sumi-e paintop?

Yep, it is possible. I suppose I would be able to create methods like paintAt 
and paintLine. It would require more work, I suppose.

Cyrille, dynamic brush is programable brush done by you, right? 

Dyna brush is probably short name for dynamic brush, it is idea to filter mouse 
position as you move with mouse.It generates nice calligraphy strokes.

Here is short description of Paul Haeberli, original author: 

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