The future of the dynamic brush

Cyrille Berger cberger at
Sat Apr 4 08:29:57 CEST 2009


I have been thinking lately about the future of the dynamic brush, and how to 
improve its UI, and I have come to the logical conclusion that it needs to 
disappear. But some parts of it would need to survive:

* kis_dynamic_sensor : this is a class that allow to choose which input events 
change a value (between "pressure, tilt, time, random, speed....")
* kis_dynamic_coloring : this is a class that allow to manipulate the color 
painted by the painting op (current choice: plain color, gradient (the color 
change depending on a sensor following a gradient), uniform random color (the 
color is changed at each stroke), random color (each pixel is random) ), it 
also allow have four options: mix (which color of the gradient is selected), 
hue, saturation and value

As a first step, I would move those class (and their kids) to libpaintop. Then 
at the top of kis_curve_option.h, I would add the selector of 
kis_dynamic_sensor, then in each kis_pressure_*_option I would make use of the 
The second step would be to include the coloring options to the brush op and 
pen op.

What do you think ?

Cyrille Berger
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