Boudewijn Rempt boud at
Tue Feb 26 17:29:42 CET 2008

On Tuesday 26 February 2008, Valerie wrote:
> > Status update: we seem to be progressing quite nicely :-).
> >
> > Give a try :-)
> Yay! *gives it a try*
> Is it just me, or is that an empty file directory?

Nope, no content yet -- but given that the domain was entered in dns minutes 
before I mailed, I was already happy :-)

> That said, glad to hear that it's actually moving! I suppose some
> uberly talented webmasters are working on the pages as we speak?

Nope, not yet. I'll be taking your proposal tomorrow, add a bit of kde css and 
put something up, so I can get some publicity that hopefully would attract a 
webmaster who likes having a free rein.

In the meantime, a search for krita on deviant art is very heart-warming :-)

Boudewijn Rempt

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