noise generators (forked from: Krita user community?)

Cyrille Berger cberger at
Sun Feb 24 12:08:28 CET 2008

On Sunday 24 February 2008, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> (Ok, erand48 will have to go, but that's completely
> self-contained as I've assumed from the outset that my current
> procedural PRN formula would be only temporary... not least because it
> turns out rand48 isn't very *good*.)

The slight annoyance with rand48/erand48 is that those functions are not 
thread safe, and as it is recursive noise generator, it doesn't work well if 
we ask for an update of a rectangle of the generated images which is 
different from the original rect. For this we have a random number generator 
in Krita, that takes as argument the current coordinate of the pixel. (The 
formula is probably not very *good*, but I don't know any random number 
generator formula that is very *good*).

Cyrille Berger

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