Introduction and an offer to help out

Magnus magnus at
Sun Sep 30 13:56:49 CEST 2007


I have been lurking here for a week so I think it's time for a small
introduction and to offer some assistance, if any is needed.

My interest in Krita stems from my interest in creating art on the
computer. About a year ago, I finally migrated completely from Windows
to Linux, and haven't missed Windows a bit. Except for the lack of
powerful and user friendly drawing/painting application. I tried GIMP a
number of different times. Each time I wanted to throw my computer out
the window. I'll agree that I'm biased from using Photoshop and Corel
Painter. However I'm used to learning new applications and I still found
the GIMP experience very frustrating.

One thing that sparks my interest with Krita, is that it has focus on
creating images, and the GUI seems to be aiming a lot closer to what I'm
used to.

My vision would be to have workflow based GUI's that are highly
customizable. Instead of having everything at the same time, you have
the choice of just seeing the things that you use most frequently for
that particular type of project. Another thing is to make it easier to
work with the application using only a tablet (not having to reach for
your mouse or the keyboard).

So how can I help you guys?

I currently study Computer Science and while I've mainly done
programming using C and Java (more Java than C), I'm going to slowly
study up on some KDE/QT programming. At some point I would love to help
out with GUI designing/programming (see above). I also work with
Computer support in a big organization few days a week, I don't know if
that qualifies me any further. But I come in contact with a lot of
examples of bad user experiences when things don't work in a intuitive way.

More importantly (on your part), I own a Wacom Intous 3 so perhaps I
could help you guys out with testing out those parts of the program. I
saw a post on an news site a while back that you wanted tablets. I'm not
prepared to give mine away, but I'll be glad to do some testing.
Actually I think I have an old Graphire tablet I could give away.

I followed the guide to set up KDE 4 (with a kde-devel user) and
complied the KOffice suite from SVN. So I hope I pass the base
requirements at least.

Ok, if you made it this far. Tell me what you think. I'll be hanging
around out here and I'll try to learn some QT programming and then
familiarize myself with Krita. If you need any help testing, just send
me a mail.

Oh, I'll try to keep my mails shorter in the future.

Keep up the good work with Krita!
/Magnus Andersson

PS. If you want to see examples of my work I have an oldish picture
here: (made in PS).
Maybe I could help out there as well. Do some example art? I dunno.

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