Donation drive result

Cyrille Berger cberger at
Tue Sep 18 19:33:26 CEST 2007

> * buy Emanuele and Sven an A5 intuos each with an art marker
> or
> * buy Emanuele an A4 intuos with an art marker and an airbrush.
> I know Emanuele has the rightly proper acquisitive mood, how about you
> Sven?
I am rather skeptical about the usefullness of "A4". I wonder what you can do 
with it that couldn't be done with an A5 ? As Sven doesn't feel the need of a 
A5 intuos, I guess difference of price would be better not spent now, and 
kept for a better usuage at a later time.

Cyrille Berger

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