Thoughts on Krita website presentation

Cyrille Berger cberger at
Tue Sep 11 22:31:54 CEST 2007

> And if it's needed, and someone steps up to do the work, a separate website
> about Karbon and Krita -- possibly with a catchy name like Kreative
> Komputing, and offering separated downloads of the creative parts of
> KOffice, will always be a possibility. Heck, the aforementioned
> hypothetical person might even coordinate with me and Cyrille about
> intermediate releases separate from the KOffice release schedule. Such
> things can be arranged, without outright forking.
> But splitting away from the koffice subversion repository would be a Bad
> Idea: we gain so much from the cooperation in our developer community,
> technically and socially, that it would be a net loss for Krita to distance
> itself from that.
I fully agree on that. I don't think it's needed. It's mostly a marketing 
problem, users don't care if the developement happens in the same svn or not.

An other solution is to presplit the tarball ourself :
- KDE Office Library
- KDE Office Productivity (roughly the equivalent of MSO, OOo, iWorks)
- KDE Office Creativity (Karbon14 + Krita)

Or replace Office with a better keyword. I think that keeping a common name 
other than KDE is good branding practise to indicate that if you use both 
suits together you get an improved user experience. After all it's the key 
idea behind Adobe's Creative Suit, even if each applications is sold 

Cyrille Berger

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