Thoughts on Krita website presentation

Torsten Rahn torsten.rahn at
Tue Sep 11 20:41:07 CEST 2007

On Tuesday 11 September 2007 20:11:45 Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> On Tuesday 11 September 2007 16:36, Torsten Rahn wrote:
> Karbon (which has made fantastic progress thanks to Jan Hambrechts) and
> Krita could become a good contender.

Yes, indeed.

> From a labour-investment point of view, the balance isn't that easy to
> compute: we would need to invest time in a website, in forums, mailing
> lists and things like that. 

I'm sure that there are some (non-developer) people on this list who could do 
a lot better than this already:

While the frontpage screenshot looks great the "icon" should really be 
replaced already. Is there no Oxygen icon for Krita yet?

> At the same time, if Krita were Qt-only, we would gain even more
> acceptance, also from the Gnome world (which curiously enough welcomes
> Scribus almost as if it were a native GTK application). 

Well, they still have the Gimp and it will still take some time until 
the "grass-root-Gimp-autopromotion-reflex" will get out of some people's 

> We would also need 
> many more developers to replace all the functionality we'd have to add
> ourselves.

I don't think that Krita should technically be seperated from KOffice. 
Technically it's a very good choice (I mostly look forward to flake shape 
capabilities). We are just talking about "the packaging" and determing 
the "product category" it gets offered in.

> From a social point of view, I'm not sure whether it is worth going it
> alone, at this point. 

I'm pretty confident that once Krita 2.0 gets released (which needs to be very 
stable) "getting on its own feet" will happen while the community will 

> just adding value to their own application, but to the whole; I wouldn't
> want to disturb that.

Definetely. Again I didn't ask for splitting off Krita technically from 
KOffice. That would neither be necessary nor a good choice.

> more separately, after 2.0. We might want a better name for KOffice, which
> always reminds me of a terminal chain smoker, 


> not doing badly at all. News and info articles about free graphics software
> more and more mentions Krita as a separate and worth-while application.


> about Karbon and Krita -- possibly with a catchy name like Kreative
> Komputing, 

God forbid.

> But splitting away from the koffice subversion repository would be a Bad
> Idea: we gain so much from the cooperation in our developer community,
> technically and socially, that it would be a net loss for Krita to distance
> itself from that.


 Torsten Rahn

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Geschäftsführung: Dr. Michael Meskes, Jörg Folz

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