Krita and Version Control
Schleimer, Ben
bensch128 at
Tue Sep 4 19:59:45 CEST 2007
Hey Cyrille,
Heres a few ideas about your posting:
> Undo stack
> The Undo stack is the most basic version control of Krita, and image manipulation. The biggest
> problem is that it doesn't allow branching, i.e. whenever the user cancel a change, if he starts
> something new, then information about the operation he has canceled is lost forever.
If krita's file format saved the undo stack along with the image and layer data, it would be
possible to "checkpoint" a version. Even better would be to have a clean separation of krita into
core image layer, commandline layer, and ui layer (aka maya). Then krita file format could save
all of the commands for a particular image (including undos and redos). Then user could go back to
any point in time for that particular image to do comparsions. (like the wikipedia.)
> Duplicating
> The layer stack offers the possibility to "duplicate" a layer or a group of layer. Comparison is
> done by hidding and showing alternatively the different groups. Or for a sketch, affecting
> different visibility to each versions allows to make a comparison.
This is possible now, right?
> Saving to different files
> It's possible to save the image to different files, but then comparison needs to have different
> instances of Krita.
If krita has MDI functionality, this wouldn't be annoying. Photoshop does this fine, why not
> The biggest problems are that there is no easy way to do comparison or merge two versions to
> the best.
I doubt that merging is really what you want to do for most images but if so, it's easy to copy a
piece of image A to a new layer of image B, right?
--- Cyrille Berger <cberger at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have started a wiki page about "Version control" :
> This page is mostly intended to collect information on the subject (and
> especially user experience) and be use as a reminder on the subject to ensure
> that we don't make currently any design decision that will prevent to
> improve "version control" in Krita. As for actual implementing it will done
> much later.
> So if you have any comments, experiences to share or ideas ?
> --
> Cyrille Berger
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