colour mixing pallet idea (Re: Getting about)

david powell achiestdragon at
Sat Oct 6 13:27:46 CEST 2007

On Saturday 06 October 2007 10:06 am, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> On Friday 05 October 2007, david powell wrote:
> > anyway thoughts ,, i know it needs a bit of thinking on and needs the
> > interface refining but i think it could be a kool feature for krita 2
> We're working on that :-) Actually got most of the functionality done, it's
> user interface that's lagging (as usual).

im having a think about how that may be implimented 
can do some mock up ideas in qt4 designer well maybe when i get it to run 
without crashing , that it did yet again 
think i realy need to install krita2 to get a better idea 
of what its looking like 

i have got a good method  in mind atm that will provide 
a good way to mix colours and also provide some other  usefull functions
at the same time 

i don't think it will be too hard to implement  
well i think most of the functions needed are already there 

also hope im not standing on anyones toes here 

for the colour mixer is to make a small graphics window
about say 200 * 200 pixles  with scroll bars , that is set to link to an image 
layer of say 800*800 that is not in anyway related to the main editing layers 

this can be used as a scratch pad aria and colour mixing sheet 

basicaly use the scratchpad to say paint a couple of brush strokes 
select a different colour , and paint a couple more ( that partialy overlap 
the first )  by offering 3 buttons below the window 
one for local undo and another for pick colour and another for fix /not fixed 
although i would suggest it needs  a clear / new  and  load /save functions 
for it also 

the pick colour should pick the colour under the next mouse click regardles of 
where it is  eather in the scratchpad area or the main drawing area 

it needs 2 modes of operation ,, firstly to act as a mixing pallet for colours  
and second as a test area so you can say play around with the brush controls 
untill you get what you want without having to keep undoing each stroke 

but it solves the problem of needing a colour history , and would allow users 
a easy way to create custom pallets of there own without having to do 
anything mutch diferent to if they where working with paints 

now heres the realy outstanding bit the fix button 

when you paint a stroke in the scratchpad area that  is not "fixed"
while it is not fixed  changing the settings ie opacity , presure , brush 
shape, mode, etc   will update the last stroke so you dont have to keep 
modifying the settings , testing , modify , test  etc ,,  as it will update 
the last stroke to reflect what it would be like if drawn with that in the 
first instance 

i also hope this makes sence , if not say so in i will try to explain it in a 
way that hopefully will  


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