select all and deselect

Sven Langkamp sven.langkamp at
Sat May 19 13:28:10 CEST 2007

On 5/19/07, Cyrille Berger <cberger at> wrote:
> > I must say I like our abillity to paint a selection, but it gives us
> > problems with respect to select all / deselect.
> I think we have said that we will remove them :) (see below)
> > I propose that:
> >
> > - All select tools default to replace the selection
> yes that way krita behaves like everybody
Right and maybe intersected should be added for completeness.

> > - They have a short cut to add or subtract
> what does substract on "no-selection" a revert selection ? (would be cool)
Krita does already do the right thing. Select subtract on no selection
looks like a substract after select all.

> > - We have a selection paint mode, or rather that you can choose a
> selection
> > as the current paint device
> yes and once it selected, you can paint on it with the normal tools. It ease
> the maintaining.
Actually having seperate selection tools wouldn't make much sense then.

> > - That Deselect is removed from the menu
> > - That Select All actually removes the selection mask until needed, but
> > otherwise the effect should be like you have selected the enitre image.
> The major problem we have with select all/deselect is that unlike the gimp
> or
> photoshop we don't show wether a selection is active or not.
> I am a bit concern by removing either one, will the user who wants to remove
> a
> selection understand that select all is the same ? and the other way
> around ? "Deselect / Select All" won't be good either. But maybe we can find
> a name that would match both actions.
Now there is a difference: When everything is selected  marching ants
would be around it, just like in Gimp or Photoshop.

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