Krita and LAB

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at
Wed Mar 14 17:56:08 CET 2007

Cyrille Berger wrote:
>> AFAIK when saving as e.g. jpeg in other paint 
>> programs, e.g. that Adobe one, or GIMP, the export step does a flatten
>> automatically. Shouldn't Krita do this also? Or am I misunderstanding
>> the problem?
> Krita does flatten automatically, Krita doesn't convert colorspace 
> automatically (there is no way to choose the correct colorspace). The only 
> thing it could do better is offer you to convert to a supported colorspace.

Ok, thanks for the clarification. Is there at least a warning in this 
case? (If not there should be?) Offering to convert to a supported color 
space (I assume you mean the user would pick from a list, with option to 
cancel) sounds like it would work well.

Also I guess maybe converting to a different color space should offer to 
flatten if needed (this sounded like such a case)?

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