Krita and LAB

Boudewijn Rempt boud at
Wed Mar 14 11:11:47 CET 2007

On Tuesday 13 March 2007, thompson4822 wrote:
> I'm using the latest version of Krita (1.6.2) under Suse Linux 10.2
> (x86_64) to experiment with the LAB colorspace.  So far, I am finding the
> following issues:
> 1) Sometimes when I save a kra that contains a LAB image and a color
> adjustment layer, reloading the file shows the image, but not the color
> adjustments.

That would be a bug. Have you got a file for me that shows that behaviour 
consistently? Otherwise I'm up against a heisenbug, and that's always harder.

> 2) Once I have made color adjustments, either via a layer or directly to a
> LAB image, I cannot seem to convert it to a format that I can save (ie;
> jpg) without losing my color changes.

jpg doesn't support lab -- if I first convert back to rgb and then save, I 
definitely have the changed version on my hd. 

But: if we convert a lab image with a an adj layer that works on lab colors 
back to rgb the filter configuration in the adj. layer makes no sense 
anymore. Hm... Hard to say how we can best fix that. It's pretty hard to 
figure out how to convert a lab color adjustment to an equivalent rgb color 
adjustment. If you want to save as jpg, better first flatten, then convert to 
rgb then save to jpg -- that way your adjustments will be kept.

Boudewijn Rempt
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