Pigment and colorspaces

Leonardo Giordani leonardo.giordani at treuropa.com
Wed Feb 7 15:20:37 CET 2007

Hi, after a long pause due to medical problems I'm about to begin again my 
work on colorspace. I'm sorry that my development goes slowly.

Some questions for you, gurus of Krita:

1) I am confused by the pigment and colorspaces stuff. What goes exactly in 
pigment and what in colorspaces? Furthermore, there is a "colorspaces" folder 
in koffice/libs/pigment/ too: what is this compared with 

2) KoAlphaColorSpace implements many methods such as fromQColor(), toQColor(), 
channelValueText(), etc... (KoAlphaColorSpace.cpp?rev=625077), but both 
KoLabColorSpace and KoRgbU16ColorSpace (in pigment/colorspaces too) do not 
implement them? Why?

3) What is the "d-pointerification" I can see more or less everywhere in SVN?

4) I remember that I experienced difficulties managing the canvas, i.e. 
the "quint8 *dst" you can find in setPixel() methods, for example in 
kis_lms_f32_colorspace.cc, but in general I didn't understand when and what 
methods are called... For example convertToQImage(). No one of you can write 
something detailed about what is expected from a colorspace and how it works? 
Or perhaps I'm losing myself in a simple thing?



Leonardo Giordani

Tele-Rilevamento Europa - T.R.E. s.r.l.
a POLIMI spin-off company
Via Vittoria Colonna, 7
20149 Milano - Italia
tel.: +39.02.4343.121
fax: +39.02.4343.1230
e-mail: leonardo.giordani (at) treuropa.com
web: www.treuropa.com

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