Reading Krita docubook files.

Sander Koning sanderkoning at
Tue Aug 14 17:53:51 CEST 2007

John R. Culleton wrote on 2007-08-14 11:05 -0400 regarding Reading Krita docubook files.:
> There is some apparenty useful tutorials for Krita in the 
> directory  /usr/doc/HTML/en/krita
> on my Slackware Linux system. Unfortunately I am not familar at all 
> with docbook and I can't find a way to translate these files into 
> something meaningful. I have tried docbook2html, docbook2rtf etc. but 
> all these utilities fail. I tried Context with 
> texexec index.docbook 
> but this run blew up on the & characters which are special in TeX. 
> What tool do you all use to translate these documents into something 
> usable?  

We usually use meinproc to convert them to HTML
> Do these same tutorials exist elsewhere in a more usable form such as 
> rtf, html or pdf?  Here is a list:

Yes, since it is the Krita manual as shown in KHelpcenter and posted on the website, but then before conversion to human-readable form :)
So there's nothing in there that's not in the manual you already have.

Sander Koning  (askie)   |   sanderkoning - at - kde -.- nl
KDE Nederland            |
KOffice & Krita          |  &
KDE documentation        |

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