Krita handbook being translated in french

Sander Koning sanderkoning at
Thu Aug 9 18:58:43 CEST 2007

Boudewijn Rempt wrote on 2007-08-09 15:16 +0200 regarding Re: Krita handbook being translated in french:
> On Thu, 9 Aug 2007, John R. Culleton wrote:
> > The Krita handbook is dated nearly two years ago. Have updates been 
> > made to the manual  in the interim or does it reflect Krita as of 
> > Sept, 2006?
> Sept. 2006 isn't too bad -- that's the time of the 1.6 release series, which
> is still current. Some features got added in during that series, those are likely
> missing, but the basics should work fine.

Indeed, I haven't updated the manual since last year.

> Of course, for Krita 2.0 (which we started working on around May 2006), the manual 
> will have to be largely rewritten.

As soon as the 2.0 version is usable enough to start writing about from the user
perspective, I'll continue working on it.

> > Is there a PDF version or must I cut and paste to get a paper manual?
> It's in docbook, so creating a pdf version should be pretty simple.

There is a prefab PDF version at

Sander Koning  (askie)   |   sanderkoning - at - kde -.- nl
KDE Nederland            |
KOffice & Krita          |  &
KDE documentation        |

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