Donation drive result

Moritz Moeller mnm at
Mon Aug 6 16:10:53 CEST 2007


> Yes, I asked them but never got an answer. But I could only try their public 
> addresses, since I didn't have any personal contacts.

yeah, I had a good connection to Wacom's product manager Europe at the 
time, but this is 10 years ago. The new guy, Guido Moeller, I never met 
nor have had any contact with whatsoever.
Cool that you asked anyway. I just thought I mention it. :)

> Maybe we're not big enough -- yet -- to be more to them than just the 
> umpteenth open source projcet begging for hardware.

It's a chicken-egg problem. Once you got support for these features and 
some good press coverage (e.g. of people in the VFX industry using 
Krita), Wacom will throw stuff at you.
Before (as in: now), when you really need it, they ignore you because 
they don't know what to think of Krita, yet. :|



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