What do you think of the "Pixel image editor"?

Schleimer, Ben bensch128 at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 8 16:05:05 CEST 2007

> > Looks very nice. Couldn't tell if the developer is using Qt for his
> > cross-platform development or something else. Looks nice from the
> > screenshots though.
> He has written his own toolkit :)

WOW! I'm impressed.

> > > What's to consider interesting and what not - I'll leave up to you,
> > > but one thing that I liked about Pixel, is that I can have virtual
> > > desktops *inside* the program (like a desktop pager of KDE) - you may
> > > think it's redundant, but I liked it - I'm sure you will find much
> > > more interesting stuff, that will inspire you writing the next-gen of
> > > Krita :)
> >
> > This is extremely weird. Why didn't the developer use standard MDI and
> > modeless dialogs instead of building a complex pager system? It's like
> > using emacs for your complete desktop system.
> MDI is only moving the problem of windows management from outside the 
> application to inside the application. That's why pixel's author has feel the 
> need to add a pager.

Oh, I see. The lack of virtual desktops in windows or MacOS is a good reason to have a pager
inside the app. 
Ugg... but this would be interesting to see on all koffice apps if they are to be ported to
windows and macOS.

> > To the devs, why is MDI so bad again? Was it the previous KMDI framework or
> > is there something fundementally broken with the interface?
> Yes the previous KMDI framework was broken, that's why it wasn't even ported. 
> And the reason MDI is not a good idea is that good windows management is 
> difficult to do right, and on linux and KDE we have a very good external 
> windows manager. The reason why MDI is so popular on windows (and only on 
> windows), is that windows window manager is a piece of crap.

Ok, maybe so. but it's more weird that krita 1.x has a FULL copy of the interface for each image
it displays instead of 1 palette dialog, 1 tool dialog, 1 layer dialog, etc. for the entire
application. Are there plans to make the interface more like gimp in this respect?

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