Adrian on Painters and Qt4

Cyrille Berger cberger at
Tue Sep 19 13:15:45 CEST 2006

On Tuesday 19 September 2006 12:50, Thomas Zander wrote:
> On Tuesday 19 September 2006 11:11, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> > Don't forget grids, guides and similar things that are neither
> > annotations, nor tool things, nor document data.
> Those things are canvas specific and should be drawn last.
> What I had in mind (but I have not really gone into) is to add rulers, grid
> etc to the KoCanvasController decorator class (which is in flake) so we can
> paint all this in the correct way without forcing everyone to implement it
> in their app-canvas class.
> I have not gotten around to this yet, but I do believe it would be the best
> solution.
hum no I don't agree tools drawing should be on top of the grids

--- Cyrille Berger ---

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