Colour palettes

Sander Koning sanderkoning at
Sun Sep 3 12:04:35 CEST 2006

Yep, the search for quirks has started again... ;)

Some things about the colour palettes, most notably the Gray palette:

- In the RGB palette, unsaturated colours are at the left, and fully saturated
  colours are at the right. In the Gray palette, the colour bar is exactly the
  other way around: white is found at the left, black at the right.
  This is logical when you realise that the latter one sets the amount of
  black instead of the amount of colour, but it's confusing when you notice it
  at first.

- When your current colour is grey(-ish?), the HSV spin boxes stop working or
  only work to a very limited extent. If you select a full grey (H 0, S 0, V
  anything), the hue and saturation won't change. Any value entered is
  immediately reset to 0.

- The slider and the spinbox in the Gray palette are not coupled. Changing the
  one doesn't update the other.
I don't know to which extent these issues can be fixed (the colour widgets are
standard ones?) but even if not, I'd like to post them here - for future
reference or whatever.

Sander Koning                       |   sanderkoning - at - kde -.- nl
Documentation coordinator, KDE-NL   |
Documentation maintainer, Krita     |

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