Adrian on Painters and Qt4

Thomas Zander zander at
Sat Sep 2 12:20:24 CEST 2006

On Wednesday 30 August 2006 16:45, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> . However, since in Qt 4
> QPainter can paint on a QGLWidget, KisCanvasPainter should be able to
> simply inherit QPainter and there should be no need for
> KisOpenGLCanvasPainter or KisQPaintDeviceCanvasPainter. That's how I
> saw it going.

Yap, thats right. Things are quite simplified in Qt4. Simplified for the 
programmer, that is :)
If you take care to have sufficient checking for clipping so you don't 
draw things the paint system doesn't want you to draw then its also quite 
a bit faster.

Do note that 90% of the cleverness in QGraphicsView is not in that class 
itself but in Arthur. Which means that all that goodness is reused in all 
KOffice apps without much work at all.

Thomas Zander
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