About filter configuration

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Mon Oct 30 11:17:57 CET 2006

> > Any comments ?
> I think you're right; I also think that "all other filters" will be a
> pretty large category. What I would like for the "other" category would be
> to be able to "bookmark" filter configurations. Not an infinite number of
> configs, maybe just three or so named configurations with have a combobox
> to recall those settings.

Yes of course :) In fact I was thinking to have two new buttons one 
called "save" and an other wich will expand the dialog to show a filter 
listview with a preview of all bookmarked configuration, and those 
configuration will be used as well in the "filter gallery". But well the UI 
is something else, I just wanted to be sure to correctly identify what we can 
expect of such a configuration system for each filters.

--- Cyrille Berger ---

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