About filter configuration

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Sun Oct 29 22:48:15 CET 2006


I have been thinking about filters configuration for some time. Currently we 
use some "manufacturer" defaults that we display each time the user wants to 
use a filter (wether it is from the filter menu or in an adjustement layer), 
those defaults are more or less sane, sometime they are just the identity, 
sometime random values, sometime value that have proven to give the best 
results in most cases, but they are most of the time not the value the use 
will have wanted to choose.

I think there are three categories of filters when it comes to configuration:

- filters whose configuration can be computed automatically from analysing the 
image, for instance the brightness/contrast (don't know how easily feasible 
it is), but it would be nice if the default curve was the transformation 
given by autocontrast

- filters whose configuration depends on metainfo (exif or whatever), typical 
example the lens correction filter, the distortion depends on the camera 
model and on the focus, the default configuration need to take into account 
those metainfo, and it should be able to extrapolate. Let say that Arthur or 
Ben, our two photographers, have tuned the filter for f28 and f50 (sorry I am 
still more used to silver film values than digital ones ;) ), and that he 
wants to correct for f35, then the filter should be able to extrapolate to 
give an approximation for f35.

- all the other filters

Any comments ?

--- Cyrille Berger ---

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