Floating point color in Krita

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Fri Nov 17 23:15:35 CET 2006

On Friday 17 November 2006 18:00, Mikhail Lyossin wrote:
> Also I want to ask about floating point info in filters API - is it there?
yes. through a set of base functions that need to be written for each 
colorspace. but sometime, the convertion to a different colorspace is needed.

> I'm asking because I'm getting warnings about space convertions for almost
> every filter I am trying to use in 32bit float mode. It is not what I want,
> because 32bit RGB have much much wider gamut then any of other colorspaces
> introduced, and, in case of any conversion I'm risking to loose some
> important data which would fall out of gamut of intermediate colorspace -
> that's not what I am really expect from the best image editing app ;)
The problem is that not all our filters respect the colorspace independant 
API, sometime by lack of time on our part, some time because the filter 
mathematics is only defined in a specific colorspace.

There is also the problem, that icc profiles are limited to 16 bits, and as a 
lot of our base functionnality for filters use profile transformation, and 
especially colorspace convertion, full 32bits is going to be a big problem.

And last but not least, the warning dialog (or the lack of it) is not allways 
completely accurate, hopefully the refactor of our color library for 2.0 will 
give us a clearer view of what is supported and what is not.

--- Cyrille Berger ---

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