A hearty slap on the back:

Torsten Rahn torsten.rahn at credativ.de
Thu Nov 2 06:20:25 CET 2006

On 11/01/2006 06:57 pm, Bart Coppens wrote:
> On Monday 30 October 2006 21:58, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> Which now got on slashdot! I don't have the heart to actually read the
> comments, but for the interested:
> http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/11/01/2115226

I actually had the heart to read through all the feedback ;-) I think Krita is 
now at the edge where it becomes a significant key player in the linux 
graphics department.
However that needs to be taken very carefully as people who try something once 
will never return if it continues to be bad for a while and you'll have a 
hard fight once some prejudice has gained common sense (I think KOffice as a 
whole is still struggling from people who have tried it once early in 
2000-2002 and have been so disappointed that KOffice is still suffering from 
those opinions).

The problem with much of the Krita feedback is that it's hard to say which 
users refer to 1.5 (which indeed was rather slow and clunky compared to 1.6) 
and which users actually did install 1.6.

I still believe that even for 1.6 the most important points that need to be 
addressed for backports and point releases are:

- speed - especially wrt larger files: Large files indeed load slowly. However 
that's a showstopper for printing which in turn is meant to be addressed by 
the CMYK color space support. So there's a conflict here: On one hand Krita 
should be the ideal tool for printing due to its color space support. On the 
other hand it still has some short comings in the large file department which 
needs to be addressed given that high dpi pictures will always get larger 
than your favourite wallpaper.

- further beautification: Like further improving the icons, which are a lot 
better than 1.5 already. Or like the suggestion for the color select circle.

- some further essential filters like colorize and dodge need to be added. ( I 
might actually be interested in working on some filter if I find some time 
beyond my pet project "Marble").

These issues need to be partially addressed before 2.0 already (either through 
backports or further 1.6 maintenance). From the current point of view a 
usable KOffice 2.0 seems still at least a year away. To make sure that 
Krita's current disadvantages don't permanently affect Krita's reputation 
it's necessary to address these points step by step rather soon.


> Bart
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