how to make a scale bar with krita

Thomas Zander zander at
Mon May 29 15:58:18 CEST 2006

On Wednesday 24 May 2006 18:02, Thorsten Kolb wrote:
> Hi,
> I have here Microscopic images for which I will make a scale bar. for
> example the size of the iamgaes is1024x1024 and I want to make a
> scalebar that is 200pixels in length, is there any possibility to do
> this with krita?

I'm assuming you already found the line tool; so what you are missing is 
the statusbar update for that exact 200 pixels length.

Unfortunately Krita does not show this, I don't really have an idea on how 
to get that data out of Krita right now. 
I remember ones talking about statusbar updates for a selection; but that 
never made it to the release version.
Thomas Zander
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