Repaint strategy for 2.0

Cyrille Berger cberger at
Tue May 23 21:37:17 CEST 2006

> Well, that's the short version, of course. But life is a little more
> complicated. We've got the image projection that needs to be updated, and
> preferably kept updated. We've got the blobs on top of the projects
> (guides, grids, masks). We've got OpenGL and plain QPainter -- and need to
> keep both possibilities. Currently, the widget that displays the projection
> doesn't even know it's got a projection.

As we talk on irc there is something called QGLPixelBuffer in Qt4 
( might help us to 
merge opengl with qpainter. But maybe Adrian has a better idea, or know if 
there are problem with using QGLPixelBuffer.

--- Cyrille Berger ---

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