Problems with saving tiffs/jpeg

Cyrille Berger cberger at
Mon Mar 13 12:32:45 CET 2006

> * I cannot currently save tiff files at all -- could somebody test whether
> it still works for them? It may be a local problem, but I cannot be sure.
do you still have the problem ? I will check it once I have finish building an 
up-to-date koffice.

> * If I save a 16-bit grayscale image to jpg, the filter makes it 8-bit
> grayscale silently
Unfortunately, the jpeg specification support both 8bit and 16bit, but libjpeg 
(or I missed something) only allow to select between 8bit and 16bit at the 
build time of the lib :( but you are right we should warn the user when we 
have to convert before saving.

--- Cyrille Berger ---

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