UI stability

Sander Koning sanderkoning at kde.nl
Fri Jan 20 14:34:18 CET 2006

> Yes, this is because there's a discussion ongoing about what sort of
> icon to use for filters, and I've postponed adapting the layerbox
> either way till the icon has been decided.

On a related note, I just noticed that the icons for the Select Outline and
Select Polygonal tool have been changed, and that the new icon for Select
Polygonal is the old icon for Select Outline. The latter change is quite
confusing at first, especially since the icons for Polygon and Select Polygonal
don't match anymore.

(Oh, and those two tools aren't usable since pressing the RMB brings up a
context menu instead of closing the polygon... but I faintly remember having
seen a fix for that, right?)

And I don't know yet if this has been fixed since my latest update, but the
submenus Layer > Mode and Select > Modify are still empty.

Okay, I'll leave it with that for now :)

Sander Koning                       |   sanderkoning - at - kde -.- nl
Documentation coordinator, KDE-NL   |   http://www.kde.nl/
Documentation maintainer, Krita     |   http://koffice.org/krita/

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