UI stability

Sander Koning sanderkoning at kde.nl
Thu Jan 19 12:13:33 CET 2006

Sander Koning wrote on 2006-01-18 19:05 +0100 regarding Re: UI stability:
> Boudewijn Rempt wrote on 2006-01-18 09:49 +0100 regarding Re: UI stability:
> > As far as I'm concerned, the toolbar ordering or the icons shouldn't change 
> > again. Indeed, I didn't know we were going to change to order of icons in the 
> > toolbar...
> Okay. I'll start updating the docs after tomorrow's exam then.

One small thing I just noticed when trying out adjustment layers (which Casper
told me are known to not work yet, but that doesn't matter for this question): 

The filter icon in the toolbar has been changed to the camera-filter (red lens),
but the layerbox still uses the coffee filter.
(While writing the docs, I'll keep a list of further UI questions/suggestions
which I'll post/commit later on, but I wanted to make note of this one now.)

Sander Koning                       |   sanderkoning - at - kde -.- nl
Documentation coordinator, KDE-NL   |   http://www.kde.nl/
Documentation maintainer, Krita     |   http://koffice.org/krita/

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