UI comments
Thomas Zander
zander at kde.org
Mon Jan 2 22:49:09 CET 2006
The coordinates of the pointer is not correctly clipped to the document;
when I move my cursor to the menu bar I often have negative coordinates.
When I move my cursor to the far right, outside of the image, I also see
it continue to count. I find that confusing.
Zoom is in for form of n:m. This is not really a commonly used format and
many people will have less problems interpreting a percentage format. So
200% or 50% instead of 2:1 or 1:2 (respectively).
The 'selection' part shows 'Selection Active' or 'No selection'.
Apart from the missing capital S, I think we can put a little more
information in there. What about printing the selection size in pixels?
The ruler keeps counting across the full size of the window, it should
make a difference between image content and outside. I suggest to make it
stop at the image edge. If you don't want that, you might want to make
the ruler be white inside the image and gray outside.
Zoom tool; it zooms by 2-complement changes. So 1, 2, 4, 8 etc.
This misses other well known nice looking zoom-levels. Like 33% Or, as
krita displays it, 3-times zoom.
I suggest making the zoom use 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9 etc.
Also; please unzoom the image to fit on screen at initial loading.
Crop tool;
The crop tool should have statusbar details like position and size, which
are continuesly updated.
The crop-options panel shows start and end coordinates. Please change that
to x/y and width/height ones. Additionally adding a 'keep aspect ratio'
checkbox so users can type width=3 and height=2 to keep that aspect ratio
from then on.
Overview palette:
The zoom slider can zoom to 1600%, which makes the slider really hard to
navigate around the < 100 % zoom area. I suggest either making the slider
logoritmic or changing the maximum.
Also; add a '%' suffix to the spinbox.
Last; why is the space between the 'Zoom:' label and its slider soo much
larger then the space betweenthe 'Exposure:' label and that slider ?
Color palettes ;
pressing the 'reset colors' icon directly under the foreground/background
preview swatches does not change the background to white, as I would
You can drag a color from the preview swatches but it is changing the
selected one at click and since dropping drops on the selected one, the
concept of duplicating the foreground to the background by dragging is
impossible. I suggest to do selecting of foreground/background color on
mouse release instead.
For all the 'tracks' in the RGB and Gray palettes you can change the
current position of the slider by clicking, but you can't keep updating
it by dragging. Please copy the behavior of any slider and continuesly
update the value on click until the mouse is released again. See QSlider
behavior for how to handle mouse-drag events outside the widget
The HSV/RGB/Gray have labels in front of the color-sliders. Please follow
the styleguide and let all such labels end with a colon ":"
The Pan tool:
This tool (and various others I'm not going to iterate) has no options.
The tool-palette ends up empty, including the tab-name. I expected the
tab-name to be filled and a label 'This tool has no options' to be shown
Color Picker tool:
The 'Normalize integer values' should not be enabled by default. I would
also like to suggest it converts the values to percentages instead of
values between 0 and 1.
The label could then be renamed to something much less technical like
'Colors in percentages'
The 'update current color' checkbox indeed updates the color (painting
something works just fine) but the HSV/RGB/etc palettes are not altered,
I expected them to be updated continuesly.
Autobrush selector (the one that pops up in its own window)
The toolbar button preview seems to set the maximum size for the button
shown on the autobrush tab. As the button is much larger then the maximum
size of the preview painted on it, I would suggest the preview be allowed
to get bigger. Almost as big as the button.width() itself.
Using [tab] there seems to be no way to traverse focus between the
different widgets on the panel (like the spinboxes). is that a bug that
can be fixed?
Shear image tool:
Window has double margins around it, the outline of the groupbox don't
match up with the button on the right.
Please add degrees suffixes in the spinboxes
Layer menu;
Please look at the naming and icons of KWords equivalent of the
'lower/raise' features (all 4 of them) I think that with just minor
changes they can be shared between kword/kpresenter and krita.
Add a 'disk' icon in front of the 'save layer as image'
Layer properties dialog has a margin too many at the outside; the right
does not line up with the cancel buttons right side.
Histogram menu item should not have trailing ellipses (...) at the end
since the action to show this is actually done immediately.
reselect is enabled when I startup krita with a loaded jpeg; I never
selected anything yet. Looks like a bug.
Feather has '...' at the end suggesting there is going to be a dialog, but
there is none. So either remove the ellipses, or provide a feather
distance (I prefer the latter ;)
Color Range shows a dialog that also has extra margins around them, the
groupbox on the right does not line up with the cancel right-side.
For the color range, I also fail to see what the dialog should do.
Feature request; hide selection visualization (but leave the selection in
place). Similar feature in Photoshop can be found under 'Ctrl-H'.
When you did a 'select all' and then create a selection nothing happens
since you can't select more then you already did. For that reason I
suggest to make select all and deselect lead to a similar situation where
adding a selection or substracting one will be smart and do make the
result of that select or deselect visible. In either case selecting a
part in both a fully selected and fully deselected image should lead to
the same result.
* Please make a circular brush be the default selected one.
* Statusbar height is weird; on autosave the statusbar gets smaller and I
find the normal size to be pretty tall for no good reason.
Thomas Zander
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