Fwd: Re: May I add a string to koffice

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Sat Feb 18 06:34:25 CET 2006

> > Will "Simple Noise Reduction" be replaced by "Simple Noise Reducer" ?
> > The latter is in the cuurent krita.pot.
> Personally, I think the 'Reducer' version makes more sense, but I'm not a
> native English speaker :-(
I think both make sense to me (that's probably why we have both :) ), reducer 
is the name of the filter that do the job, and recuction is the goal. So it 
should be "reducer" in the name and reduction in description, if there was 
one :)

>> No only Show Grid is in the code. Seems the & is added
>> automatically
>But I can't find "Show Grid" either in krita.pot created on 2006-02-17

Then they have a problem with their script, the strings is in the code with 
the i18n.

--- Cyrille Berger ---

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