Krita 1.6

Sander Koning sanderkoning at
Mon Feb 6 00:16:18 CET 2006

And a small addition to my mail of a couple of minutes ago ... :)
<snip>s here and there.

Bart Coppens wrote on 2006-02-05 23:35 +0100 regarding Re: Krita 1.6:

> Well I'm mostly interested in core stuff, but I like to play with thinking of 
> adding new features all the time ;-) But if we'd do a 1.6, doing only small 
> changes is a must indeed.

Keeping to the core and only doing small additions (and fibes to currently known
bugs, for example) will, IMO, decrease the chance on major breakage, and more
stable code means more time to concentrate on usage.

> Snapshot releases with kdelibs4, not bad per se, but such snapshots will be 
> quite big (losing our edge over, say, openoffice).

Nothing against OOo, but my experience there with snapshot releases is that they
tend to take huge amounts of time and always bring up more problems than

> There are lots of other people who could do it with good guidance, but I guess
> release guy schedules are much more prone to interfering with real life
> schedules, than the regular 'just get your features/fixes in before the
> freeze' schedule.

Real life? Explain :)
Seriously though, I can imagine releases are hard, but as already said in other
words I think the advantages weigh up to the costs in this case.

> > Release of Cyrille's cool plugins pack whenever we hit a milestone there.
> > Maybe every two months?
> Good idea, but then they'd probably need a release guy since it'd involve 
> i18n, documentation, packagers, and so on.

Forgot to react on that one... I'm in favour.

Cheers again,
Sander Koning                       |   sanderkoning - at - kde -.- nl
Documentation coordinator, KDE-NL   |
Documentation maintainer, Krita     |

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